Greetings and salutations to you all,
Poverty to me means that I should be at peace with what I have in the world be it adaquate or not, and in this peace I should be able to share my money or talents so that others lives may be made easier.
Our Fraternity is using, "Catch Me a Rainbow Too" for formation and I especially like what is written there about poverty, it states that "sharing, detatchment, conversion, simplicity, needs vs wants and simplicity" are all important aspect of caring for the poor.
"For us, sharing becomes a matter of justice. The gifts of God are meant to bring dignity to all people. Becoming possessive or indiffenent to the needs of others simply doesn't fit Franciscans "...they should set themselves free to love God and their brothers and sisters."(SFO rule, article #12)"
Holy poverty is trying to be the best Franciscan you can be by knowing the right thing to do, and extreme poverty is having absolutely nothing at all and having to rely on others for the basics of life - food, clothing and shelter.