Section outline

  • Each of us is called to promote Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation (JPIC): starting with ourselves, then to our immediate surroundings and neighbours, and finally to the rest of the world -  in areas accessible through agencies represented here. The operative word is justice - justice should be made reality in the form of Social, Economic, Environmental justice, as a whole. Often, the social and/or economic justice is emphasized while neglecting the environment.

    We are called to pray, study and work for all justice issues. Prayer, study and hands-on work can help us confront complex issues like climate change, mining, fair trade, human trafficking, addiction crisis, divesture of fossil fuels, protecting watersheds, confronting environmental racism and classism, as well as many money and faith issues. Please browse the resources listed below to learn more about JPIC.

    Below is resources and group discussions about Extreme Poverty and World Trade